Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Our dining chairs have spent a few years under our very messy children, and you can tell by looking at them! These are two "before" pictures. Wow, I can't believe I'm posting stains for the world to see; I'm feeling a little vulnerable.
I found some indoor/outdoor fabric at Joann's, thinking if the fabric can survive the great outdoors, it might just hold up under use and abuse from our boy!
Using coupons, I paid about $25 for fabric to recover six chairs. I chose the striped pattern for the four chairs that sit in our kitchen, and the floral pattern for the two spare chairs that sit in our living room. We'll see if they meander into the kitchen, considering that floral pattern would hide stains really well.
I love this fabric. So far, I've been able to get the chairs completely clean by simply wiping them with a damp cloth. They have survived splattered curry, chocolate ice cream drippings and doritos fingers, so I'm hopeful. Would anyone like to come and enjoy a cup of tea at my pretty table?
It's fun to be creative, and since I have an etsy shop, I have an outlet for that. However, recently I started feeling like I was offering my best creativity to my shop and not to my family. I am so blessed to get to stay at home with my kids and focus my efforts on my family and home. And I wanted to offer the best of my creativity to my family as well. So this was one of those projects to improve our home and share pretty things with my family. My hope is that whatever talents I have or acquire, I will find ways to share them with my family first.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Ruth Bell Graham

I am currently reading Billy Graham's autobiography, and I read this poem last night written by his late wife, Ruth Bell Graham. I think it expresses some beautiful and challenging aspects of marriage - particularly the feelings of a young bride and pastor's wife. Enjoy...

without clinging;
if you must--
but privately cry;
the heart will adjust
to the newness of loving
in practical ways:
and cooking
and sorting out clothes,
all say, "I love you,"
when lovingly done.

without clinging;
if you must--
but privately cry;
the heart will adjust
to the length of his stride,
the song he is singing,
the trail he must ride,
the tensions that make him
the man that he is,
the world he must face,
the life that is his.

without clinging;
if you must--
but privately cry;
the heart will adjust
to being the heart,
not the forefront of life;
a part of himself,
not the object--
his wife.


Saturday, November 15, 2008

My Boys

Here are my boys. One of these pictures was taken a couple months ago, and one was taken about 30 years ago. I am struck by how much they look alike. If they wind up having much more in common (like being destructive, mischievous trouble makers), then I'm in trouble!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

What a Girl Wants, What a Girl Needs...

Good friends are such a necessity in life. We spent 3 years in Wheaton, and we were so far away from family. These lovely ladies became our family. Fellowship is the greatest blessing and encouragement, and I think it's true of any age. We will miss these fabulous people and their precious friendship!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

A Girl's Garden

Here is Bethany's garden that she "planted." She's the cutest flower of them all.

Here we are on the 4th of July. We went to a parade in Wheaton, and Zach LOVED all the trucks and cars, "choo choo" he calls them. Bethany did NOT. The sirens were a little loud for her, and she just can't seem to scramble quickly enough to pick up the candy. It was a nice break from the chaos of moving though. :-) 10 days is the count down for the kids and me.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

New Family Photo

Here is our newest family picture. Bethany has included just the four of us in some of our favorite colors to wear. Daddy's in blue, Mommy's in green and Bethany, of course, is in pink. In all of her pictures, Zach just has one tuft of yellow hair. I think it's a pretty accurate depiction all in all.